YATC - Yet Another Tibia Client


Archived and unsupported content. YATC is not in development since 2010. This site has been migrated from Google Sites in November 2016.
Home -- Downloads -- Releases -- Screenshots -- Additional Tools -- Contributions -- PocketPC -- Use On CipsoftTibia Servers -- Contact -- Customization FAQ
YATC has been tested on PocketPC 2003 during 2007. (This has not been done at a later time, and there are no public binary releases.)

Watch the video!

It's "simple"...
  1. Compile SDL using arm-wince-mingw32ce (in remainder: mingw32ce)
  2. Compile GMP using mingw32ce, in invalid.c you must remove #include <signal.h> and raise(SIGFPE)
  3. Compile SDL_gfx using mingw32ce
  4. Compile GLICT using mingw32ce, making sure that in the makefile, CPPFLAGS also includes -DNO_GL
  5. Compile YATC using mingw32ce, making sure that in the makefile, CPPFLAGS and CFLAGS includes -DWINCE and that LIBS includes -loleaut32 -lws2 -lSDL -lGLICT -lSDL_gfx

If I missed anything, I won't apologize!

moved to new hosting by ivucica 2016
most content has not been updated since 2010 despite the move!